Community Research Review Board

Community Research Review Board

Community Research Review Boards (CRRBs) are community-led groups that provide oversight and accountability when outside institutions conduct research studies that involve community member participation. They do this by working with researchers to design studies that are ethical and beneficial to the community. CRRB members also provide oversight while the study is being conducted. The purpose of the CRRB is to ensure that research conducted in West Philadelphia is reviewed so that it is conducted in a manner that respects community values and benefits the Promise Zone.


The CRRB is a board comprised of Institutional Review Board (IRB) certified Promise Zone residents and stakeholders acting as a liaison between researchers and the community. Specifically, the CRRB is responsible for reviewing proposals and protocols submitted by researchers who are conducting research in the West Philadelphia Promise Zone and providing feedback from the community’s perspective. At its discretion, the CRRB will also assist researchers by connecting them with IRB certified residents who can partner in data collection and interpretation of research findings, offering letters of support for funding proposals, and recruiting study participants.


Apply to Join the CRRB

The Community Research Review Board (CRRB) is made up of Promise Zone residents, community stakeholders , and researchers. Up to fifteen members can serve on the CRRB. The application form will be posted here when available. Reach out to for more information.